Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Proposals for I-81 Coming In

At a news conference, Councilor Van Robinson said 19 bids have come into the Syracuse Metro Transit Council to be part of the study that would give insight into the Interstate-81 project. The study will help give feedback to the Council on how the removal of I-81 will impact the community and what other alternatives would be available.

"The road has come to the end of its life expectancy, if we do nothing it will fall down on its own," says Robinson. "We have no other alternatives."

Robinson says he has the support of his colleague's even though others have concerns. Those concerns will be addressed in the study. Robinson will stop taking bids on August 5th and it will take thirty to sixty days for any decision to be made. If the removal of I-81 is approved, it will not start for a couple of years.

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